Monday, December 9, 2013

The Power of Music

Think about it. Music is for everyone, not just those of us who write it and play it. Those of us who write and play the music do it for the masses as well as ourselves. More than any other art form, music reaches out. A lot of people read books, but there are certainly people who don't. Movies are popular too, maybe more so than reading, but there are still those who never really watch movies or much TV. Not everybody can appreciate a good painting or sculpture either.

But almost everyone listens to, has listened to, or will listen to a song at one time or another. Most of us are transported instantly to a specific time and place simply by hearing a familiar tune. Music makes us laugh, cry, shake our groove things, and teaches us life lessons.

Music is power.

As a songwriter, my biggest thrill is writing a song people can relate to on some level. That's what songwriters do. It's our job. Our job is fun.

Take a moment to think about the songs that remind you of a special time and place in your life. Sit back, close your eyes, and listen to that song. Let it sweep you away.

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