Monday, December 9, 2013

My Songwriting Process

Everybody who writes songs has a process. Some wait for the inspiration to strike. Others pick up an instrument and pound away until a song emerges. I don't wait for the muse. There are songs inside me all the time, waiting for me to pick up an instrument and hammer them out. The instrument could be my voice, a guitar, a keyboard, a pen and paper, or computer software. However I do it, I like to get it while the getting is good. Ideas are fleeting. I capture them when they are there.

Typically, I grab a notebook, pen, and my guitar. I write out lyrics and chords so the basics of the tune are there. If I happen to be near a computer, I create the chord and lyric sheet in Sibelius. Even if I write in a notebook, the basic lead sheet will end up in Sibelius anyway. That's where I notate the separate parts in full (guitar, bass, keyboard, or whatever other instruments the song will use).

I write any time of the day or night, although I tend to do some of my best work in the middle of the night or very early in the morning.  A bottle of cold brew usually accompanies my nightly writing sprees, particularly on hot nights. My current ale of choice is Shock Top End of the World Midnight Wheat, made with midnight wheat, chocolate malt, chili, and spices. My morning writing sprees are accompanied by lots of coffee (usually espresso or French roast). These little things, while not necessary, are a fine addition to the writing process.

More recently, I have begun using the iPad for most of my songwriting and recording sessions. With my iPad and iRig, I plug my guitar or mic straight into my iPad and use recording apps to lay down tracks. Garage Band, Auria, and Music Studio give me the ability to create instantly. Garage Band lets me use various amp settings to process my guitar sound. I write in an app called Songwriter HD and use Dropbox to back up everything.

The creative possibilities are endless. I take advantage of all I can to write and record my music.

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