Thursday, January 2, 2014

Songwriting and Screenwriting

My oldest son and I watched a couple good movies tonight. That got me thinking (because lots of things get me thinking). I've written quite a few songs. I've also written a few screenplays. I've written novels and short stories too, but screenwriting has always been more rewarding and interesting to me.

I like writing songs best of all, though, which led me to the realization that I've always liked screenwriting so much because writing movies is very much like writing a song. First, both are highly structured forms of writing that offer a limited space with which to express an idea. Second, both of these creative endeavors begin life in written form but don't truly reach fruition until they are finalized. In the case of a song, it only becomes complete when it's been recorded. A screenplay only becomes complete when it's been filmed.

I mentioned structure. Songs deal in verses, choruses, and bridges. Screenplays deal in beats, scenes, and acts. There's more to each, of course, but you get the picture. This can sound a bit stifling to someone just getting involved in either of these artistic endeavors, but it really isn't. Within the structure of each of these forms is a wide open world (I know that sounds contradictory) within which you can express yourself.

Both forms of artistic expression can be extremely rewarding, particularly when you create something that touches an audience in any way, on any level.

I don't do much screenwriting these days. My time is spent writing songs. I find songwriting more rewarding and more expressive for me, for the way I want to reach people.

That said, I still enjoy a good movie, and there's always one floating around in my head. When it can no longer be contained, I have no choice but to write it.

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